Marriage Lessons from a Dog | Jan-Feb 2015

Recently we were with a group of friends and the conversation turned to a discussion about their dogs. Both of us noticed that when our friends started talking about their dogs, they were enthusiastic and spoke with great affection.

When we got home that evening and reflected on the conversations we wanted to discover what qualities in their dogs enabled our friends to speak so endearingly about them. So we got busy and wrote a list of possible qualities.

As we wrote, the light bulb went off. We realized that the qualities that we cherished in our dogs, are the same ones we often desire our mate to have within our marriage.


They Are Loyal

No one knows more about loyalty than dogs. They are there for you 24/7. When times are tough for their owner, they do not pull away or go looking for another owner. They are there through thick or thin.

How are you doing concerning loyalty towards your mate?

Hebrews 13:5, “…God assured us, ‘I’ will never let you down, never walk off and leave you’….

They Accept You

They will love you no matter how unlovable you are on any given day. Since they are not continually trying to change you or are critical about your actions, it causes you to strive to be the person your dog thinks you are.

How are you doing accepting your mate?

Romans 15:7, “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.

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