Turnbull Ministries is a speaking, writing and tape ministry that is dedicated to giving a message of help and hope to marriages and families in three major ways —
Bob and Yvonne Turnbull

For the past 25 years, Bob and Yvonne have travelled together across the USA and Canada. Because they have listened to the pulse of the people and their needs, they have given messages of hope and help in building lasting relationships to tens of thousands of men and women. As you peruse our NavBar you will see the various seminars and conferences offered by the Turnbulls.

God has richly blessed their speaking ministry in helping to stem the tide of divorce and family breakups as —

  • 36,412 couples have rededicated their marriages or families to each other and to God.
  • 1,822 couples have either postponed or halted their divorce plans.
  • 2,711 people made first time decisions to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
  • 23,649 Christians rededicated their lives to Jesus Christ.

E-Mail Ministry

Sign up for a free, bi-monthly E-Mail newsletter, plus go now to our ‘Newsletters’ on the NavBar for some samples.

  • Learn criticism guidelines
  • Commit to a time to talk
  • Get along with difficult people
  • Hungering for appreciation
  • Those important first five minutes
  • Get rid of marriage baggage
  • Which is it, discontented or thankful
  • Remember, children are watching your marriage

Books and Tapes Ministry

On our Books and Tapes webpage, you will find helpful resources on marriage and family.

  • Helping a marriage to complete, not compete
  • Training couples to mentor other couples
  • Building a successful family
  • Out-smarting stress
  • Solving the personality puzzle
  • Goal setting and time management
  • Quality habits to be a better communicator


We had wonderful responses from Bob and Yvonne’s speaking at our annual Couples Retreat. The couples loved them. Many responded to Bob’s invitation at the close to accept Christ. In addition, many couples rededicated their lives and their marriages to Christ. The standing ovation for Bob and Yvonne at the end of the retreat was a first. God is using them in a marvelous way.

Dr and Mrs Buford Logan, Jr., Couples Retreat Co-Chairmen, Oak Glen Christian Conference Center, Yucaipa, California

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Dr and Mrs Buford Logan, Jr., Couples Retreat Co-Chairmen, Oak Glen Christian Conference Center, Yucaipa, California

The standing ovation for Bob and Yvonne at the end of the retreat was a first. God is using them in a marvelous way.
One of the strengths Bob and Yvonne bring to ministry is their ability to communicate through personal illustration or role-play format. We found the audience able to relate to the concepts with virtual ease. Their sense of humor, a wealth of experience, and love for the Lord and their church were a joy. We’ll have them back again.

Pastor Tim McClellan, Cedar Valley Community Church, Cedar Valley, Iowa

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Pastor Tim McClellan, Cedar Valley Community Church, Cedar Valley, Iowa

We found the audience able to relate to the concepts with virtual ease.
The Turnbulls spoke at our Fall Marriage Refreshment weekend last year. Our guests found them to be real folks with whom they could readily identify. Their words were practical and based soundly on scripture. We as a staff at Barnabas can wholeheartedly endorse their ministry and recommend them for teaching in churches and conference centres. We are having them back again this Fall.

Rob Bentall, Director, Barnabas Family Camp Ministries, Keats Island (Gibsons), British Columbia, Canada

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Rob Bentall, Director, Barnabas Family Camp Ministries, Keats Island (Gibsons), British Columbia, Canada

We as a staff at Barnabas can wholeheartedly endorse their ministry and recommend them for teaching in churches and conferences
Bob and Yvonne obviously have paid the price to make their own marriage to be a model for couples. They were great at sharing their own struggles and growth in ways that disarmed the skeptics in the crowd. Their vulnerability gave their presentation freshness and honesty, and they were biblically sound. Our folks enjoyed their humor and the personal way in which they approached some of the more difficult topics. We enjoyed their ministry with us and will have them back again in the future.

Pastor Ron Thompson, Twin Cities Church, Grass Valley, California

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Pastor Ron Thompson, Twin Cities Church, Grass Valley, California

Their vulnerability gave their presentation freshness and honesty, and they were biblically sound.
The marriage conference that Bob and Yvonne Turnbull provided for our congregation was timely and well organized. The material that they presented was both insightful and entertaining. They engaged our people and held their attention while covering some personal and even intimate issues and all based on the Bible. We appreciate their contribution to the Body of Christ.

Pastor Curtis E. Leins, Ph.D., Glorious Presence Church, Elkton, MD

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Pastor Curtis E. Leins, Ph.D., Glorious Presence Church, Elkton, MD

The material that they presented was both insightful and entertaining.
My heart is overwhelmed with praise to the Lord for all HE did during the Couples weekend. It was thrilling to hear from the guests how much they needed to hear the messages Bob and Yvonne shared during the weekend. We look forward to having the Turnbulls return to us in 1999 for our Singles conference and again in 2000 for another couple’s conference.

Bill Welte, E.D., America’s Keswick Conference Center, Whiting, New Jersey

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Bill Welte, E.D., America’s Keswick Conference Center, Whiting, New Jersey

It was thrilling to hear from the guests how much they needed to hear the messages Bob and Yvonne shared during the weekend.
Bob and Yvonne Turnbull have spoken at three of our Marriage Conferences in the past few years. They are always a blessing to those who come; they have a gift of applying Scripture in a way that is easy to understand, and the way they share their own marriage experience brings their presentation together in a way that helps couples and encourages them. They are a great team to have at your church or conference center.

Steve Altick, President, Camp Berachah Ministries, Auburn, WA

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Steve Altick, President, Camp Berachah Ministries, Auburn, WA

They share their own marriage experience brings their presentation together in a way that helps couples and encourages them.
Through the different sessions, I witnessed God using the Turnbulls to reach out and literally change people. Couples made commitments to each other to renew their efforts in their relationships, individuals made commitments to Christ to make Him central in their lives as there was a revival for our congregation. God used both of them in our midst.

Andrew Garman, Senior Pastor, La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church, Scottsdale, Arizona

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Andrew Garman, Senior Pastor, La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church, Scottsdale, Arizona

Through the different sessions, I witnessed God using the Turnbulls to reach out and literally change people.
Bob and Yvonne did a great job in connecting with the couples who attended our summer seminar. They are very practical in their approach and transparent with their past experiences. They made everyone feel at home in their approach to sharing insights and counsel. They connect with couples and we have seen relationships restored. We have had them speak twice for us and will schedule them again. We recommend Bob and Yvonne to any church seeking to encourage their couples and wanting to help head off marital problems due to lack of maintenance in their marriage relationship.

Rev. Richard King, First Baptist Church, Las Cruces, NM

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Rev. Richard King, First Baptist Church, Las Cruces, NM

We recommend Bob and Yvonne to any church seeking to encourage their couples and wanting to help head off marital problems due to lack of maintenance in their marriage relationship.
The Turnbulls were excellent. The way they integrate scripture with realistic advice really makes change seem possible with God’s help. It was an incredible weekend with so many changed lives. Every couple there made a commitment to work on their marriage.

Deb Lindau, Pro. Dir., Wood Lake Bible Camp, Grantsburg, Wisconsin

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Deb Lindau, Pro. Dir., Wood Lake Bible Camp, Grantsburg, Wisconsin

Every couple there made a commitment to work on their marriage.
Having Bob and Yvonne with us for a special event was for many that marital booster shot that they needed. Both newlyweds, oldie weds and nearly weds were encouraged by this special gathering. I always appreciate the clarity with which the Turnbulls speak, the practicalness of what they share and the approachability which they always bring to any conference. In all the years of having the Turnbulls minister in various settings of mine (two marriage seminars in Nova Scotia, one marriage seminar here in British Columbia, plus a special night with Yvonne with several hundred women) I have constantly been thanked afterward for bringing them to speak. Four words characterizing their ministry to married couples would be humorous, engaging, practical and Godly.

Dr. Mike Sherbino, Pastor, The Way Community Church, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Dr. Mike Sherbino, Pastor, The Way Community Church, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Both newlyweds, oldie weds and nearly weds were encouraged by this special gathering.
Bob and Yvonne’s investment with our couple’s retreat at the Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center was excellent. I appreciated their transparency, their currency, majoring in basics, and their interplay between a husband and wife. I was especially impressed that they are willing to let others see God’s grace shine through the “warts and wrinkles” of life, much in the spirit of 2 Corinthians 1 and again in chapter 11. We will be scheduling them again in the future.

Scott Owsley, Pastor, Adult Ministries, Hillside Evangelical Free Church, San Jose, California

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Scott Owsley, Pastor, Adult Ministries, Hillside Evangelical Free Church, San Jose, California

I was especially impressed that they are willing to let others see God’s grace shine through the “warts and wrinkles” of life...
The Turnbull marriage seminar really touched my life and gave me hope for my own marriage, and motivated me to turn to the Lord even more in trusting that He can guide my marriage and family and life. To hear the testimony of the Turnbulls and how their marriage ONCE WAS and where it is today and to hear their personal story of where each of them were INDIVIDUALLY in their marriage and how the Lord drew them together, it really is a testimony of hope for those of us younger in our marriage. The wisdom they spoke, the experiences they shared, the knowledge they passed on, were awesome gems and you could see they truly lived what they shared, not just when they were in the pulpit/podium, but in the conversations prior to the conference in preparation, as well in their interactions off stage. They are truly genuine people who love the Lord!!!

Christine Miyamura, Creative Programming Director, Hope Fellowship Leeward, Waipahu, Hawaii

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Christine Miyamura, Creative Programming Director, Hope Fellowship Leeward, Waipahu, Hawaii

To hear the testimony of the Turnbulls and how their marriage ONCE WAS and where it is today...
We sure did enjoy having Bob and Yvonne at our church for the conference this weekend. They shared marriage principles and practical applications that we could all start applying today. I found them to be dynamic and funny in their presentation but it was apparent in my discussions with them that they have a great marriage. Many of the attendees are thankful for their time with us and they’re ready to start applying what they were taught.

Rick Wisner, Associate Pastor, Bent Tree Bible Fellowship, Carrollton, Texas

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Rick Wisner, Associate Pastor, Bent Tree Bible Fellowship, Carrollton, Texas

They shared marriage principles and practical applications that we could all start applying today.
It was a real pleasure having the Turnbulls return to our congregation for the third time. As a new pastor to the church, I had not had the pleasure of meeting them and was relying on the elders of the church for their direction and leadership. The weekend, in my opinion, was fantastic and just what we needed for the ministry to go forward with strength. The Turnbulls were warm and gracious. The seminar was very helpful for those who attended and the teaching was strong and Biblically sound. Their love and sacrificial service to the Body of Christ was very helpful and we will be happy to have them return and lead us in another seminar in the days ahead.

Pastor Frank Willoughby, City Heights Church, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Pastor Frank Willoughby, City Heights Church, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

The weekend, in my opinion, was fantastic and just what we needed for the ministry to go forward with strength.
The marriage retreat led by Bob and Yvonne was truly a high impact event. The leadership and vulnerability of this couple was a catalyst that began a new level of healing and transformation for most of those in attendance. I value what God did through Bob and Yvonne’s ministry to our church.

Pastor Dan Grider, Daybreak Community Church, Carlsbad, California

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Pastor Dan Grider, Daybreak Community Church, Carlsbad, California

The leadership and vulnerability of this couple was a catalyst that began a new level of healing and transformation for most of those in attendance.
Bob and Yvonne brought very practical teaching to our couples. We had couples ranging from engaged couples to married couples for 34 years and everyone left with tools to improve their relationships. I was most pleased with the way the Turnbulls brought biblical principles and applied the truths in practical ways. Too many seminars have given couples the psychological aspects and differences of men and women but the Turnbulls applied those aspects and differences to real life in a way that was easily understood. I appreciated the way they worked together as a team in presenting the material. I have already heard how some of the ideas presented in the TeamMates seminar have been utilized in the lives of those who attended with great success. Practical, humorous, real life would best describe our weekend with the Turnbulls.

Pastor Ted Harris, Community Alliance Church, Butler, PA

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Pastor Ted Harris, Community Alliance Church, Butler, PA

We had couples ranging from engaged couples to married couples for 34 years and everyone left with tools to improve their relationships.
Our Spring Couples Retreat this past weekend was a huge success. Bob and Yvonne did a wonderful job of presenting the material in a heartfelt, humorous and insightful manner that touched all of the couples in attendance. Whether the couples were newly married or had been married over 30 years. The couples were ministered to on a level that encouraged greater intimacy with one another and gave them the tools for better understanding and communicating with their spouse. I appreciated Bob and Yvonne’s vulnerability that they modeled in opening up about their own marriage and even some of the struggles the Lord has brought them through. I saw some significant breakthroughs with a number of couples and their relationships. I highly recommend Bob and Yvonne’s ministry to couples and are looking forward to having them minister again with us soon.

Paul Graham, Associate Pastor, Bethel Church, San Jose, California

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Paul Graham, Associate Pastor, Bethel Church, San Jose, California

I highly recommend Bob and Yvonne’s ministry to couples and are looking forward to having them minister again with us soon.
Bob and Yvonne’s marriage ministry touches the heart. Their presentation is not from a textbook, but from the laboratory of life. Their openness and transparency in sharing God’s amazing work in their lives open the door for people to connect with them in a special way. They have ministered at America’s Keswick at least four or five times and every time they come, you see God at work in their lives. I marvel at how many people get saved at a Christian Couples’ weekend when they speak. God is using them mightily!!!

Bill Welte, Executive Director, America’s Keswick, Whiting, NJ

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Bill Welte, Executive Director, America’s Keswick, Whiting, NJ

Their openness and transparency in sharing God’s amazing work in their lives open the door for people to connect with them in a special way.
Bob and Yvonne were ‘just right’ for the many couples gathered for our weekend marriage seminar. One comment I heard was, “You could not have gotten anyone better.” Their encouragement has caused a number of our couples to now get together in small groups to study, pray and grow in their Christian marriages. I found Bob and Yvonne to be sensitive, caring, humorous and most important, ‘on target’ by presenting the important factors of building a Christian marriage.

Pastor Thad Butcher, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Butte, Montana

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Pastor Thad Butcher, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Butte, Montana

Bob and Yvonne were ‘just right’ for the many couples gathered for our weekend marriage seminar.
Couples from Kaimuki Christian Church and a number of other churches in the area were, as has always been the case, enthusiastically responsive to Bob and Yvonne’s seminar on marriage. The Biblical basis, the practical areas they cover and the straight-forward, honest approach they use makes their seminar so compelling. I’m encouraged, as a Pastor, to see this focused attention on areas that simply cannot receive continual attention from the pulpit. I’m grateful for the partnership we’ve formed with the Turnbulls to strengthen the marriages in our church family!

Ron Arnold, Senior Pastor, Kaimuki Christian Church, Honolulu, Hawaii

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Ron Arnold, Senior Pastor, Kaimuki Christian Church, Honolulu, Hawaii

I’m encouraged, as a Pastor, to see this focused attention on areas that simply cannot receive continual attention from the pulpit.
Bob and Yvonne did a tremendous job at our annual couples conference. They used humor, humble but crystal-clear messages, very frank openness. It was a significant time of delight and renewal for everyone in attendance because of their form of presentation, which was biblical and honest to real life.

Bob McDowdell, E.D., Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center, Stanwood, Washington

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Bob McDowdell, E.D., Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center, Stanwood, Washington

It was a significant time of delight and renewal for everyone in attendance because of their form of presentation...
Bob and Yvonne spoke to the hearts of the people in our church family. Over 100 couples attended their weekend seminar and every couple went away more prepared and better equipped to contribute to their own healthy, Christ-honoring marriage. Their presentation was humorous, well-planned, systematic and completely understandable for everyone; they put the cookies on the bottom shelf. I highly recommend the ministry of Bob and Yvonne. We look forward to having them again next year!

Jeff Cranston, Senior Pastor, LowCountry Community Church, Bluffton/Hilton Head, SC

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Jeff Cranston, Senior Pastor, LowCountry Community Church, Bluffton/Hilton Head, SC

Their presentation was humorous, well-planned, systematic and completely understandable for everyone; they put the cookies on the bottom shelf.
No question about it – Bob and Yvonne have taken our church by storm! Their biblical teaching is very practical and their humorous and honest illustrations are engaging. Their sound and wise thinking gives good direction for Godly living. Their energetic, refreshing, original and down-to-earth presentations have taken the settled-and-stuck-folks, and gave them an excitement about living life, especially in their marriages.

Don Seltzer, Senior Pastor, North Coast Presbyterian Church, Encinitas, California

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Don Seltzer, Senior Pastor, North Coast Presbyterian Church, Encinitas, California

Their biblical teaching is very practical and their humorous and honest illustrations are engaging.
We had an incredible time with Bob and Yvonne Turnbull at our recent meetings here. In our almost 14 year relationship with the Turnbull’s, it’s refreshing to observe that God is not done growing them and teaching them New Things about themselves, their relationships and marriage. My wife and I as well as our congregation were quite taken with the absolute transparency out of which Bob and Yvonne ministered to us about their life’s experiences and not holding back about the mountains and valleys of their own personal flaws and mutual challenges. Even after having them come to our church multiple times over the years and speaking on a variety of subjects their message was brand new, their approach challenging, their unique style interesting and engaging. We felt like we were on the ground floor of learning brand new things that they just went through in their lives and they just wanted to help us face the similar things with God’s help. They were so personal and humble as if they as mature Christian leaders had recently been seasoned and shaped by another of life’s trials that God seemingly allowed because He knew they would share with others the correct and incorrect navigation through it. This is exciting to see ministry leaders being sincerely honest, being real, no facade. I know lives were changed because God’s Word and His principles were readily received from the fabulous folks.

Senior Pastors Mitch and Bonnie Borrows, Abbotsford Christian Assembly, Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Senior Pastors Mitch and Bonnie Borrows, Abbotsford Christian Assembly, Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada

We felt like we were on the ground floor of learning brand new things that they just went through in their lives and they just wanted to help us face the similar things with God’s help.
My wife and I have been to at least a dozen couple’s retreats in our 22 year marriage. We have sat under the teaching of Gary Smalley, John Trent, Tim Kimmel, Alan Peterson, Chuck Swindoll and others – but without a doubt, Bob and Yvonne did the best job of ministering to the needs of couples in an understandable and practical way than we have ever experienced. The couples felt challenged and encouraged by what they heard. Bob and Yvonne’s approach to the problems we all face in understanding our mates was fresh, practical and enthusiastic. Combining that with a strong Biblical base, the Turnbulls were a winning combination.

Rev. Tom Rietveld, Senior Pastor, West County Fellowship Church, St. Louis, MO

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Rev. Tom Rietveld, Senior Pastor, West County Fellowship Church, St. Louis, MO

without a doubt, Bob and Yvonne did the best job of ministering to the needs of couples in an understandable and practical way than we have ever experienced.
Bob and Yvonne are absolutely the finest speakers we have had in my opinion. Their practical, humorous and spirit-filled presentations were exactly what the couples needed. Many couples left the weekend retreat changed, and better prepared to continue their marriage relationships.

Ernie Friesen, Couples Retreat Program Director, Silver Spur Conference Center, Tuolumne, California

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Ernie Friesen, Couples Retreat Program Director, Silver Spur Conference Center, Tuolumne, California

Their practical, humorous and spirit-filled presentations were exactly what the couples needed. Many couples left the weekend retreat changed, and better prepared to continue their marriage relationships.
My recommendation is that every church and conference center should schedule Bob and Yvonne Turnbull. Definitely. It has been more than six months since the Turnbulls were the speakers at our annual couples retreat and we are still reaping the benefits. I would say of all the things we did to help couples last year, having the Turnbulls come was among the best. With regard to their ministry style, I would classify it as extremely relevant, humorous, serious, excellent in content and subject matter and very anointed. Bob and Yvonne have a real gift of flowing together as a couple.

Randy Bissell, Senior Pastor, Christian Life Center, Merced, California

Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

Randy Bissell, Senior Pastor, Christian Life Center, Merced, California

I would classify it as extremely relevant, humorous, serious, excellent in content and subject matter and very anointed.
Bob and Yvonne Turnbull Ministries Testimonies

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