Man reading messages on his phone

When Things Don’t Go According To Your Plans (Winter, 2020)


Small Things. Big Things. Both will occur, so how do you handle it? What is your attitude?

Grumble and Complain?

Our attitude affects everything we do in life.

What we focus on in life – our thinking – determines the type of life you live – emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

Our attitude is the minds paintbrush – it can color any situation.

Prov 27:19 – “For a man’s heart reflects the man” — and it comes out in our attitudes.

We may not have control over circumstances – but – we do have control over our attitude in the midst of the circumstances.

So we need an attitude adjustment. How. Two ways.

First – Be an opportunity person, not an obstacle person.

Obstacle people look at the problem and stay there.

Opportunity people look at the problem and look for the opportunities God has placed there in the midst of the problem – for you to be blessed and to bless others.

The difference between an obstacle and an opportunity is ones attitude.

How do you do it? One answer is found in 1 Thess.5:16-18 (NIV) – “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks, for this is God’s Will for you in Christ Jesus.”

That’s right – we’re to be joyful ALWAYS. And we’re to pray continually, for often we stop praying when we’re in a difficult situation and try to maneuver in our own strength. Prayer focuses change from those situations to the One who can handle ALL situations. Plus in EVERYTHING give thanks and as a bonus – write a thankful list of all the things you are thankful for in the midst of the circumstances and in doing that that will change your focus.

Secondly – Be a thermostat – not a thermometer.

A thermometer reacts to the environment.

A thermostat sets the tone for the environment.

Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.

The Apostle Paul was a thermostat. He was goal driven. Felt led to go to Rome and speak to the gentiles, but his plans were disrupted. He was shipwrecked, beaten, falsely accused, imprisoned, chained to a guard.

His attitude? No grumbling or complaining. He was calm. His secret?

Phil 4:13 – “I can EVERYTHING God asks me to do with the help of Christ, who gives me strength and power.”

He trusted God to provide what he needed. An example would be that even while in prison and chained to a guard since he was a citizen of Rome he could have a secretary and to her he dictated so much of what is in the New Testament of the Bible – and in which millions of people have read for two thousand years.

Everything he went through served a purpose. Everything WE ALL go through also serves a purpose, and because of that we all have Hope.

Romans 8:28 – “And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him – who have been called according to HIS purpose.”

God is in control of EVERY detail and every detail is His concern.

He only allows what we can handle – to refine us and help us become more like His Son, Jesus Christ

He knows what fruit will come from our pain and challenge.

Corrie ten Boom, who was in a Nazi concentration camp during World War Two, and later became a prolific author and speaker said – “If you look at the world you’ll be distressed. If you look within you will be depressed. But if you look at Christ – you’ll be at rest.”

SO – when things don’t go according to plan — Look for the opportunities God has placed there – to bless you with — and — know God is 100% with you, for he will give you power to go through it and there IS a purpose for it.

CLOSING PRAYER — Thank you Lord for permitting those events in our lives that will further your purpose in our lives. Teach us to respond to life’s events – by NOT grumbling or griping with a desire for us to control and change circumstances – BUT – to respond as a thermostat so that our attitudes and actions will draw others to you and bring YOU Glory. Amen.

 **Five More WebsitesAs previously stated we will continue with each quarterly emailing five more for your perusal. We suggest you log onto each one, view its contents and save those that you want – that you care for – that have value to you. Most of them will usually be Christian websites but some on occasion may be, as the term goes, secular.   If you find one you don’t care for, just delete it and move onto the next one.  (Note:  We don’t list these to particularly endorse them.  We on purpose list a variety of websites that show a variety of thoughts, philosophies and opinions.  You decide on what to do with them)   

**Our Hawaii Anniversaries AdventuresThe weekend of Jan 31/Feb 1 and 2 was, simply put, blessedly awesome.  We don’t know if such an exact expression exists, but it does now!  This very special weekend involved celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Waikiki Beach Chaplaincy which Bob founded in February of 1970. 
Also, that weekend was the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Prince of Peace Lutheran “Penthouse” Church of Waikiki.  In 1968 Bob was called to that church leaving behind a Hollywood acting career to become the director of the College-Career group at the church.  After two years with POP, and with the approval of the church, he then founded this beach ministry.  Since he was connected with both ministries he was selected to be the principal speaker at the Saturday banquet at the Double Tree Hilton Hotel ……. Then on Sunday Yvonne teamed up with Bob on Sunday to jointly present the “According to your plans” message at the 9:00 POP worship service followed by the 10:30 beach service on the sands of the Hilton Hawaiian Village.  All events were well attended and many spiritual seeds were planted.  (This also included the Meet n’ Greet gathering on the 31st at the church).  We know many of you prayed for this weekend and your prayers were very much needed and honored.  Mahalo Nui Loa (thank you very much) for doing so ……. Below is the condensed version of the message Bob and Yvonne presented together.

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